Welcome Spring! Make the first day of spring into a celebration! With crafts, a scavenger hunt, songs and books, the kids will be delighted to say hello to spring!!

After a long winter, there’s nothing like welcoming spring. The flowers blooming, the birds chirping, outdoor play on the horizon!! We love to mark the beginning of each new season with a celebration. It’s a wonderful learning experience for children. It brings awareness to the seasons, the calendar and the cycle of nature. You can do a one day of celebration, or do different activities during the week leading up to the first day of spring. Below are some some of the ways we acknowledge Mother Nature and say Hello Spring!
“The spring came suddenly, bursting upon the world as a child bursts into a room, with a laugh and a shout, and hands full of flowers”
– Longfellow
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We love to celebrate spring by singing a song, doing crafts, coloring, reading a book and discussing the calendar. I’ve listed lots of details and ideas for everything!! Plus I’ve designed a FREE PRINTABLE just for welcoming spring that includes an activity checklist, some activity and coloring pages, and a small scavenger hunt (find the link at the end of the post). The scavenger hunt portion is super simple and all items can easily be found in your own yard or on a short walk around the neighborhood.
Those who live in an especially cold climate may find there are a few things that you aren’t able to find until some snow melts away, but that can add to the excitement. Just keep the list handy and it will keep the children mindful to watch out for the first signs of spring!
My children love music, so anything having to do with learning a fun new song gets them very excited. We normally pick one new song to learn the first day of spring. Here are a few fun ones to choose from.
- Herman the Worm by The Learning Station
- Singing in the Rain (Girl Scout Version) Here are the lyrics, and here is a video with the melody. When I was in scouts the version I know (which I’m passing on to my daughters) seems to have been a combo of Singing in the Rain + A Roosta Sha. It’s really fun!
- Five Little Ducks
- Five Green and Speckled Frogs
- Little Bunny Foo Foo (nostalgic for mom, and has fun hand motions!)
- And the Green Grass Grows All Around tune and lyrics
We adore reading in our house. At the very minimum, we read at least one book every night at bedtime. Books are a wonderful way to spark a child’s imagination and get them thinking about things. They’re also great for language development. Here is a list of books to get your little ones thinking about spring!
- Muncha! Muncha! Muncha! by Candace Fleming
- And the Good Brown Earth by Kathy Henderson
- The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein (Okay, so no specifially spring themed, but it’s about a tree and I love love LOVE this book)
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
- Miss Maple’s Seeds by Eliza Wheeler
- Finding Spring by Carin Berger
We do 1-2 crafts to celebrate the first day of spring. You can see a bunch of spring craft ideas on my pinterest board! I picked up a cute wood painting craft from the dollar spot at Target too!!
I usually print a few coloring and activity pages to have around for our first day of spring celebration. I’ve included several in my free printable Welcome Spring! Just click the link at the bottom of this post.
A special thanks goes out to Samantha at Doodle Art Alley for the beautiful coloring and activity pages!!
I use the first day of spring as an opportunity to discuss the calendar. I pull it off the fridge and we discuss how a calendar works. We talk about which holidays are coming up, birthdays, special events or plans, and anything else coming up in the months of spring. We also talk about how long spring lasts, and how the weather will be changing leading up to the next season.
I truly hope you enjoy welcoming spring with your family. It really is one of our favorite things here at my house.
Thanks for stopping by!!
The Cheeky Homemaker
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